SKORDO x Low Stakes Lodge Chipotle Maple Bar Nuts
We are excited for our friends and neighbors at Low Stakes Lodge and the opening of their new restaurant! Low Stakes opened in early July and is a partner restaurant to Highroller Lobster Co.. You will find SKORDO's own Chipotle Maple Rub used to spice the restaurant's Bar Nuts on the menu! Co-owner and chef, Andy Gerry, showed our team what goes into making the snack and shared their recipe.
Hibiscus Ginger Agua Fresca
Our team member Em put together this beautiful, herbal hibiscus tea blend, perfect served cold for summer! They used all SKORDO ingredients and were able to stick true to original hibiscus tea recipes. Enjoy making this tea in your own home or find it on the menu (by the same name) at The Ugly Duckling in Portland, ME, all summer long!