Over the years I've gone through phases of not liking coffee, only liking lattes, only drinking black coffee, and then of course oat milk came along. I have never been one who relies on coffee to get through my day, but I reach for it when I need a pick-me-up or for seasonal flavors that I just can't resist. I make my best efforts to support local in anyway I can, but Starbucks has mastered the Peppermint Mocha drinks so well I have a hard time saying no. For the sake of money-saving + gift-giving, I wanted to try my hand at a replica syrup for at home coffee making (or hot cocoa seasoning!). 

Makes 2 cups



  1. Add coffee, water, cocoa, and sugar to small pot.
  2. Cook over medium heat until sugar is dissolved and mixture is slightly thickened.
  3. Add extracts and salt, whisk to combine.
  4. Allow mixture to cool and store in fridge for upto 2 weeks.



I used a funnel and poured mine into an apothecary glass bottle, for gift giving but also to avoid sticky spoons every morning. 
You can blend this syrup into cream or milk alternative to make your own flavored creamer!
Try it with SKORDO Merquen for a take on Mexican Hot Chocolate!