SKORDO Staples Spice Set


Introducing the SKORDO Staples set. A collection of our nine most purchased herbs and spices to elevate and empower your home cooking experience - whether you're a novice or expert. This set covers taste profiles from savory to spicy to bitter to umami. 

Looking for a great gift idea? Look no further, this nine set of herbs and spices will get the cook in your life not only cooking flavors around the world but baking too!

Need some inspiration for what do with these herbs and spices? We recommend:

Lemon Turmeric Lentil Soup 

- Baked Feta with Oregano, Thyme + Rosemary

- Ultimate Bolognese

- Tea Party

Set contains 1/4 cup jars of: Sweet Basil, Granulated Garlic, Greek Oregano, Ground Cumin, Smoked Sweet Paprika, Sumac, Thyme, Turmeric, Vietnamese Cinnamon

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