Between dry January and a frigid winter, I have been reaching towards a mug of tea at least two times a day. While we rarely carry teas in the shops, we do always have our collection of herbs + spices that can be quickly steeped into a flavorful tea. Whether you enjoy these recipes as is, or use them to upgrade a basic black tea, they create lovely teas to warm you up, body and soul.

Blend 1:

Blend 2:

Blend 3:

For each of these, simply measure your ingredients and mix into your straining system. This can be an Infusion Vessel, a french press, a tea ball, some cheesecloth–whatever works for you! Boil some water, pour over ingredients and steep for 5-8 minutes. If you'd like to add sweetness, add some local honey to your liking. We love The Honey Exchange's Pure & Raw Honey here in Portland, but it is most beneficial to eat honey local to you for allergens sake. 

I encourage you to play around with ratios and use what you have on hand. If that means ground ingredients, you can either use a fine cheesecloth as a strainer or create a paste with the powders and a little hot water to help dissolve.

I always try to get a second steep, so I’ll temporarily remove the “tea bag” while I enjoy my first serving and then brew again fresh when I’m ready to avoid any bitterness. If you wanted to enjoy any of these iced; I’d recommend a cold brew like you would coffee, starting with room temperature water and letting it brew for up to 12 hours, tasting after 8 hours.

I look forward to seeing your variations on Instagram with #SKORDOFlavors.

Shannon Mahoney

shop The Blends + Rubs