Dukkah, a popular Egyptian spice mix, has a very pleasant and nutty flavor. Use it as a spread on a rack of lamb to be roasted or sprinkle it on flatbread with olive oil and cook until crispy. The cumin, coriander and roasted hazelnuts shine through against the salty Halloumi cheese. This is one of our favorite appetizers! 


  • 8 oz Halloumi cheese
  • 2 tablespoons SKORDO Dukkah
  • 1 tablespoons honey
  • ½ cup preferred oil for frying


  1. Place halloumi on a cutting board and portion into 6. I cut 3 sliced long ways, and then diagonally sliced each piece, creating 6 triangles. 
  2. Pat each piece dry on both sides.
  3. Preheat a skillet over medium heat with your preferred oil. 
  4. Working in batches, fry Halloumi until golden brown, about 2 minutes each side. 
  5. Transfer to paper towels to drain.
  6. Brush each piece with honey, then sprinkle liberally with SKORDO Dukkah to crust.
  7. Best served hot, alongside some roasted fruit or veggies. 
Shannon Mahoney

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