

Chervil, indespensible in French cooking, is praised for its subtle and soothing taste. A member of the parsley family, it has delicate notes of anise. It pairs well with egg dishes, so stir some into scrambled eggs or an omelette, or use it with tarragon in a homemade bernaise sauce. It is also a nice addition to salads, so try it in a warm potato or beet salad with shallots and chives. Even a small amount of Chervil will bring out the flavors of other herbs in dishes!

Gluten-Free. Additive-Free. Salt-Free. Vegan.

Country of Origin: France

Net Wt.: 0.2 oz. (1/4 cup jar), 0.4 oz. (1/2 cup jar), 2.0 oz. (polybag), 4.0 oz. (large polybag)